I talked to Jill just now. The nurse came. Jill said that Dad is really different than he was yesterday. You know that is true when he gets irritated when you tell him the nurse is coming. Very funny! And he even laughs a little at your jokes.
Jill made Dad toast and cranberry juice. He ate at least three bites. The nurse talked to Jill and said that he is still in decline but is in a temporary rally. Dad appears to be more peaceful. Perhaps he has let go of some things.
The nurse will come each day to check on Dad so we are not doing crisis care as of yet. He has only had 2oo cc of urine output though in 25 hours. That is compared to 800 or so cc that we emptied like twice a day before so things are more than likely on a downward trend. That is not good.
If you read the comments to the previous post you will see that per Aunt Shirley "He is totally with it right now and is in there messing with his bed. Shannon is putting on her makeup and drying her hair. I still haven't seen him today but I can hear him talking and it is so different from last night when I thought it was the end. " I can agree with this comment "My emotions are so weird right now. "
I am leaving work to go order Hayden's cake for his party and get some gifts and pick them up and go by the school and run over and see Dad while things are still good. Hannah has dance tonight and Kevin normally plays tennis. I am just ALL over the place with what to do, what to do, what to do........... you see the person I normally call and walk through these things with is Dad. He will listen to me and hear all of my thoughts and tell me either........ I think you should ........................ or I think you should............ And he would ask me questions............Papa Bear, I'm missing you already.
Must go it is 5:16 pm
7 years ago
It's been 30 years since I lost my daddy. I still get a twinge in my heart sometimes when I think of him. I remember when I was a very little girl, I couldn't even let myself think or imagine of my mother or daddy being GONE, like having died. I remember thinking in the future how could I possibly stand it. It was a sort of fear when I was a little girl. But I always thought, oh, you'll be older when it happens and then it won't bother you so much so don't worry (to myself, I would think this.) But guess what, it doesn't matter how old or how young you are, it's almost unimaginable to think of losing your daddy or your mother. And when the time comes, like it has with you guys, it just flat hurts. And before it happens, you are like racing to capture every minute, which is what you are doing b/c this has been such an unusual journey. Not like when someone has a heart attack or gets hit by a car or something. That's shocking and sudden. This has been excruciating for you but yet wonderful to have the honor to experience this with your dad. I believe we all will be better for it, we'll all hug a little tighter, love a little longer, bless a little more. We'll be able to, like Steph says, comfort those going through the same things in the future. We'll "know." Also we'll have come to realize that each of us has our own gifts, our own ways, our own ideas, our own strengths, our own weaknesses, and we'll all fill in the gaps for each other. Love covers all.
I'm amazed at how strong Shannon is, how capable yet how vulnerable. She is coping. She needs you all.
You are all close to my heart at all times. I love you. auntshirley
well, after I got home from 1020 last night I posted a long comment to this comment b/c I didn't know where else to post it and lo and behold it didn't save. Bummer. I will attempt to update what I "updated" last night that mysteriously disappeared.
Shannon was working on the "Pancake Breakfast" church flyers with her sweet friend Robin. The flyers will be coming directly from Mimosa Lane Baptist and they are so beautiful. Shannon looked so good to me last night. Please everyone give her special hugs and thoughts. She does "appear" strong but...
I saw Mike. Jill was with him. She tried to get him to eat some mac and cheese but to no avail. He said did you come over the other night and I said yes, with Ross. He said he just didn't remember. Then he said, tell Ross I said thank you. When I got home last night I told Ross and he said he would go over. I told him it needs to be very soon.
I asked Mike what he would like for me to pray specifically and he said "Corinthians." I asked Jill to find Corinthians 13 and she read it to him. It was so sweet. Mike said, that's what the preacher says when you get married. That's right! It's the love chapter. We prayed for peace and thanked God for the love He has for this family and for the love Mike has for his family and the love they have for him. He said he was trying to remember the "Shirley speech." I said what in the world is that! He said, you know, get out of here, Jesus. I said, wait, it's get out of here, Satan! We laughed! He said oops. So funny. I said we need Jesus in here and the devil out of here! Precious. We talked a little out love being the absence of fear. Interesting he wanted to hear the love chapter. He looks so tired, so very tired. If someone wants to see him, they need to come now...
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