Papa Bear - we love you always

Papa Bear - we love you always

Monday, March 2, 2009

Birthday Plans

Dear Dad,
Hannah and I are trying to keep upbeat, knowing that tomorow you would have celebrated your64th birthday. We are thinking about what to do tomorrow. I know if you were we would celebrate with you at Steak N Ale or by making a yummy meal at home. Wouldn't you know that Steak N Ale closed down last year? This along with many other things will force us to start new traditions. Hannah has already decided that each year we will add a think to this post, kind if like adding another candle. Hannah has to take the TAKS test tomorrow. I told her that you would want her to be upbeat and happy and not sad because you are not here. But seriously Dad this is not an easy task. So, anyhow, we are off to bed (well not really). You could always call my bluff. You know that I'll probably be up for a I'm not going straight to bed. I have "stuff" to get ready for tomorrow. Hannah is going to write you a note too. (see below)
Love, Stephanie

Dear Granddad, i miss you so much, the first holidays i spent without you, i'm had a hard time getting through it especially because the taks is tommorrow in 4th i got a 97 and i hope i do better tommorow well i have to go to bed
i love you , hannah

Stephanie here again, Just tucked Hannah in to sleep. Seroiusly, who knew that kids would be so in tune to things. And, so tomorrow is another day. We will all be stonger, and better for it.

Off to look through binders and pack my lunch and take a shower and get to bed hopefully at a resaonable hour. I invited Mom over tomorow evening but she wasn't sure what the plans were. If she comes from work, then that Matt without anyone to hang out with on this day. I forgot to ask the kids if I should make a cake for Granddad. Last year, we did and it was more the symbolism in it and I don't think anyone but me (who didn't need ANY of it) actually ate it. We made the cake from scratch. So, if I need to make it I probably should do that tonight. And, for the record since I don't have all the ingredients, it would NOT be from scratch. We will probably have mac and cheese and all those other foods that "Granddad" ate that I know he liked but seriously were NOT his favorites.

Hug those you love, let the grudges go.... life is too short.


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Mike Bailey - Papa Bear