Papa Bear - we love you always

Papa Bear - we love you always

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Wasn't feeling good last night. Had trouble sleeping. When I was asleep I had several dreams. The first was of getting Hannah ready to dance at festival. Couldn't find her costumes anywhere. Took her to the festival. While there we got wrapped up in the festival. Not sure if she even danced. Then one of my aunts took her home to get ready for her 2nd dance and I let her off to find her own way to the stage. Not typical of me at all. Very unsettling actually. I guess these are the things on my mind since this weekend is Hannah's dance recital. Getting organized and making sure we have EVERYTHING and nothing is missing. All the tights, make up and hair items all ready to go and lined up. You know you only generally have less than five minutes to change hair, tights and costume. We have it pretty well down to a science but you know...........

The other dream was going on vacation. Dad was there driving us to the hotel. I can't really get a feel for where we were but there were bodies of water, beautiful trees, etc. Maybe Colorado or Arkansas. Can't tell. Yes, Dad was there, securing reservations for his family. Checking out of one room and moving to another because more of his family had arrived. Matt was there too, in tow, following closely behind Dad's footsteps, never too far behind. Jill and Lauren were there too, checking out the resort dinner, ........................ then the dream switches more to a house environment with a kitchen and Arbonne. Mom was there and there were others that I did not recognize and conversation and fellowship. Not sure what to think about that except it was good to see Dad in my dreams like he was before he got sick. Picture of Dad's birthday below and this is exactly how I saw him in my dreams..............

Dad's Birthday 2006
Still not feeling good. Am off now to get my you know what to work. Sent e-mail to my boss. Hope he checks it.

Happy middle of the week to everyone.

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Mike Bailey - Papa Bear