Papa Bear - we love you always

Papa Bear - we love you always

Friday, November 30, 2007

Grumpy beginnings....... a good ending

Jill is back from her trip. I am SO glad she got to get away......... but am SO glad she is back!

Today started at about 1:00 am, not literally........ Dad said he didn't want any grumpy women tomorrow and Jill told him that if he didn't want grumpy women he'd have to let them SLEEP. Word has it that he slept probably about 2 1/2 hours because the book shows toast at 4:00 am. So, I'm not sure how much sleeping Lauren and Jill did because when my head hit the pillow on the air matress in the living room shortly after 1:00 I did not hear ANYTHING until about 7:00 this morning. I think it was the fact that I knew I was somewhat "off duty" and that Jill and Lauren were there. I usually hear Matt when he gets up around 5:00 to make coffee. But NOT today.

So, to the grumpy part. I think everyone today was tired. And Dad was a little anxious because the nurse was coming to show us how to use the lift. And, he was not happy because "we are to do things 1, 2, 3, 4 and we don't listen and we ask him if he is hungry and he says no and then we say 'how about some soup?' " He got really grumpy at me when I continued to mention that he had not taken his morning meds........... you know we have to make sure he gets some of those so the medicine can release.

The nurse showed us how to use the hoyer lift and sling to move dad. However, Dad called it a "death trap". Needless to say, I think it had to do with the fact that it was the first time to do that. I know that Jill and Lauren will practice tomorrow transferring Lauren so we will be able to use it more and more.

I came home today about 2:30, Dad was napping when I left...............

And so the good news........

Lauren and Jill got to take about an hour nap

Matt and Dad chilled out today

But the most exciting news to me is this.......................

Dad got in a Wheelchair about 8:30 and stayed there about 2 hours and SAT at the kitchen table and ATE dinner with everyone. Mom brought home Chinese food and Dad had some of an eggroll for dinner. I am sad I could not of been there. I just want to move in and stay with them sometimes. Lauren sent me a text of a picture of him in the wheelchair and it made my day as he had the biggest smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye of the old dad I know. Not the mean stare of the Dad is with cancer that he gives you when you are trying to get him comfortable. That look scares me!

I probably won't post anything the rest of this weekend. I hope you all have a good one!

1 comment:

Shirley Wilcox said...

hi, all, and especially "skinny again." I love you all so very much. I appreciate "SA's" postings and want to say, hey, you are a great writer! Keep writing. Very informative, interesting and touching. And it's got to be good for you to get your feelings on paper -- or rather in writing. You are so too hard on yourself but so the best mother in the world. So glad to hear about the chinese dinner at the table. I talked to Shannon when she was at the restaurant picking up the goodies and it sounded so good. Went to Kieran's birthday party this afternoon - it was a big success, lots of little boys and one little precious girl. Can't believe Kieran is seven years old. My prayers are with you all: Steph, Jill, Lauren, Matt, sis Shannon, and of course Mike. God is in control and He loves you all so much. Call me or text me or email me any time, day or night. Love and kisses, Aunt Shirley

Mike Bailey - Papa Bear