Papa Bear - we love you always

Papa Bear - we love you always

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Lazy Saturday Afternoon

What might you ask is going around at the Bailey house, here is a brief overview:

  • Lauren is studying (aka napping) in Dad's room, it is so warm in there sometimes you just want to sleep, well we do anyway (smile)
  • Matt's friend Patrick is over
  • Mom is getting ready to finish putting up the lights
  • I am visiting with Dad and working on getting the Christmas decorations out and trying to stay on top of the kitchen and clutter and laundry.

Hannah is dancing right now as I type. I talked to her and she was okay with me not being there. I'm not sure I'm okay with it. My plan is to leave around 4:00, which is in just a few hours to go get ready for my company Christmas party. However, that does not look too promising. I know Mom and Lauren will be just fine it is just that it is helpful when all three of us are here. I have tickets to take Hannah to Casa Manana tomorrow.

Jill will be back from Austin tomorrow?

1 comment:

Shirley Wilcox said...

I just typed a long comment and lo and behold messed up and somehow lost it so I'm writing again! Just read your sweet words and I love you all so much. I've been real busy today, have the boys, raked leaves, baked a birthday cake with them for Papa. Amy and Tom and coming with chinese food and we will eat inside rather than going out for birthday. Ross has a very bum knee and he has really messed it up more today working in the yard. You all are so precious and the Lord will bless you for being so wonderful to your dad. I think and pray for you all constantly...Aunt Shirley

Mike Bailey - Papa Bear